Horticulture Light
Artificial Solar Light to help growth
The Ultimate Test for LED Lighting:LED Floodlight V.S. Boiling water
特修斯系列 LED防爆燈在高危險的工作環境中,如煉油廠、礦場、石化等天然氣加工廠等提供了相當良好的工安維護和環境保護。此產品通過ATEX、IECEx、CNS防爆認證,採用世界大廠晶片,專利設計的雙面高效能散熱結構幫助LED模組有效散熱,比傳統防爆燈使用穩定、安全、更加省電、壽命更長。
ALT智慧型調控路燈可客製化燈光的流明、色溫、角度。 搭配智慧調控系統可直接遠端調控所需的亮度,做出調光效果。智慧調控系統可對路燈進行即時的單一、群組、或排程調控,依照地區及作息時間進行亮度調整,可達到二次節能省電以及高效率維護運作的成效。
High Power horticultural LED bulb
High PFC to 0.99, energy saving, reduce energy consumption and optimize energy efficiency.
Built-in thermal and current protection circuit, stable lumen output at any circumstance, and any climate
Horticulture Light A19 series
Specific blue wavelength between 400~500 nm
and red wavelength between 600~700 nm
help the plant growth
Specific blue wavelength between 400~500 nm
and red wavelength between 600~700 nm
help the plant growth
Horticulture Light Outdoor series
Specific red and blue wavelength
Help the plant growth
High Power horticultural outdoor lamp
The integration of a patented aerospace structural design ensures optimal cooling.
High-efficiency thermal design, PFC up to 0.99, energy saving, optimize the power usage
Built-in thermal and current protection circuit, stable lumen output at any circumstance, and any climate.
Horticulture Light Outdoor series
Specific blue wavelength between 400~500 nm and red wavelength between 600~700 nm help the plant growth
Specific blue wavelength between 400~500 nm and red wavelength between 600~700 nm help the plant growth
Specific blue wavelength between 400~500 nm and red wavelength between 600~700 nm help the plant growth
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Aeon Biotechnology Inc.